The Newbie’s Guide to Getting a Website Live
The newbie’s guide to getting a website live
So you’re finally ready to take the plunge and launch your very own website. But where do you start? If you’re feeling a bit overwhelmed, don’t worry – you’re not alone. Getting a website up and running can seem like a daunting task, but we promise it’s not as complicated as it seems.
Here’s a quick overview of what you need to do to get your site live.

Choose your domain name – this is what people will type into their browser to find your site
Choosing the right domain name for your website can be overwhelming and intimidating as it sets the tone for people’s first impression of your site. So take the time to choose wisely and strategically, and make sure that the domain name you select is concise, easy to type, memorable, and relevant to your business or organization. Ideally, something that is short, sweet and simple – because in this day and age nobody has time for convoluted web addresses! After all, you want potential customers to find you quickly and easily.

Find a web hosting provider – this is where your website’s files will live
Before you can begin setting up your website, you’ll need to find a web hosting provider that suits your needs. Luckily, with so many available these days, it’s easier than ever before to find one that gives you the features and affordability you require. Look carefully at what each company offers in terms of storage space, bandwidth, or other features like maintenance and customer service – all of these components will play an important role in keeping your website running smoothly for visitors. With the right provider by your side, getting started on your website will be a cinch – and don’t forget to shop around for the best deal!
Set up your hosting account and install WordPress – this is the software you’ll use to build your site
Getting your website started can be daunting at first, but the good news is that the process is actually quite simple. To begin, you need to set up a hosting account and install WordPress. This is the software which will form the core of your website and it’s widely considered to be one of the most reliable platforms for building websites. If you’re familiar with content management systems then you should have no problem getting WordPress up and running. Alternatively, there are plenty of comprehensive tutorials out there which will guide you through setting it up step-by-step. Once everything is installed, you’ll be ready to start constructing your new website!

Choose a WordPress theme – this will determine the look and feel of your site
Selecting a WordPress theme for your website is often the first step in getting your project up and running. Choosing wisely can be a daunting task, as there are numerous options available with different features, designs and styles to consider. When making your selection, it’s important to keep in mind the overall goal/purpose of your site as well as any specific needs you may have for functionality. Spending some time researching various themes and their capabilities can give you insight into which one might be best suited for achieving the look and feel you desire.
Install plugins – these are like add-ons that give your site additional functionality
Getting your website up and running can be overwhelming, but with the right plugins, you’ll have it done in no time! Whether you need to add a contact form, a newsletter signup, an e-commerce store or something else entirely – there’s a plugin for that. Just look through the available options and pick the one that best fits your needs. With these time savers, you’ll be ready to launch the perfect website in no time.
Create pages and posts – this is the content that will go on your site
Creating pages and posts for your website is an exciting step! This is the content that will bring life and energy to your website, engaging visitors and establishing a connection between them and what you offer. Coming up with engaging content that accurately represents what you are passionate about or the services you offer can be challenging, but also highly gratifying. Put some thought into what type of content will best represent your purpose, company culture, or goals. Plan out the structure of your website before diving in so that all of your pages can flow easily from topic to topic. When it comes to creating posts, think of interesting topics that relate to the primary focus of your website to pique visitor interest. Don’t be afraid to explore different types of media like images, audio files, and even videos- they can make all the difference in terms of engagement!

That’s it! Those are the six things you need to do to get a website started. Now all you have to do is actually put in the work and create something amazing.
If you have any questions about this process, please don’t hesitate to reach out. I’m happy to help where I can.