When it come to hosting plans you are basically looking at three core features. Let us break them down and give you an idea of what to look for. The basic features of a hosting plan include:
Disk Space.

Disk space is the size of the storage box you’ll have online
All hosting accounts provide a specified amount of disk space that you can make use of to stash your web data. It is advised that you have some form of estimates on what you need to have for different tasks. Just how much space will you need for your emails, web files, databases, and so on. By breaking down your usage needs, you can much better estimate just how much space you should choose.
E-mail Accounts.
Email accounts are a typical feature of hosting, particularly if you are hosting a domain. There are 3 primary kinds of email accounts: POP3 or IMAP, forwarding, and aliases.
POP3 accounts are the conventional inboxes. You have space on the server to store your emails, and simultaneously, you can use an email software to download your mailbox. Each login and password combination usually equates to a single account.
Forwarding mail accounts work if you are utilizing the service of another service provider to filter your emails for you. Instead of storing your email messages on your mail server, emails are rerouted to another email address.
Aliases accounts are very similar to forwarding mail accounts. Some hosts allow you to create a catch-all false names, which is often used to accumulate emails sent to addresses not recognized by your mail server.
FTP Access.
File Transfer Protocol is what FTP stands for. After you have designed your website on your personal computer, you will need to transfer those files to your web server. The data is moved to the server by making use of FTP.
You can choose a standard hosting plan or customize a plan according to your needs.